The story starts with Izzah, an orphan girl who lost both parents due to road accident. Thereafter, her uncle, Taha, took her in. Taha’s wife was not happy with Izzah’s presence and accused her of bring bad luck to the family. At the same time, Taha’s debts were unmanageable and he decided to sell Izzah to a nightclub owner. At the nightclub, Izzah befriended a client named Hariz. Hariz bought Izzah from the nightclub owner with a high price to take her out of that hell hole. Upon Izzah’s request, Hariz agreed to marry her, with the condition that everything must be kept secret. The presence of Mila Amylia, the daughter of Tan Sri Rashdan, a famous model and actress, eventually shook Izaah’s and Hariz’s happy marriage.Genre: Drama | Romance
Runtime: 125 min
User Rating: N/A
Country: Malaysia
Language: Malay
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